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Writer's pictureJMontague Family

Tag, You're It!

Updated: Apr 9, 2022

"One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles: Simon (whom he named Peter), his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot, Judas son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor." (Luke 6:12-16)

When Jesus went up to a mountainside to pray all night to God, do we imagine Him waiting all night to hear from the Father whom He would choose or did He go up there to pray for the ones that would be chosen to carry on His ministry when He was gone? The people He chose were nothing special in the eyes of man and maybe that was the point. Jesus chose these men so that we might know that God can use anyone who is willing to follow Him. Spreading the gospel is a team sport and is given to each of us to play our part. If you have been given a burden for something or someone, stop looking for someone more qualified to show up to do that thing. Chances are, He is calling you to do it! We have been passed the baton from those who have come before us in the faith and now it is our turn. This is our time, this is our place, this is our generation. If you have heard the call and are willing to follow Jesus, then you are the one He has chosen to do that assignment. Jesus delights in using the least of these so that He might show His power and might through them.

When you were a child and playing with your friends at the park or in the yard, you might feel a touch on your shoulder and here the words, "Tag, you're it!" The 12 felt and heard it that day and 11 of them ran and chased after many after Jesus went back to the Father's side. When you feel that tug on your heart from the Lord and you know it is something in line with His Word and desires, you just got tagged and you're it! Don't let your reason get in the way and don't listen to the voices that say you are not enough. God is the One who is going to do it anyway, but He want to use you because He loves you and wants you to be a part of the game. So run, run fast and run far. Don't let anything get in your way, It's your time, it's your turn. You're it!

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