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Extending our Networks and Impacting our Region!

I am sure at one time or another you have said, "wouldn't it be great if we had" and then come to the conclusion "we don't have the time, money, or resources to do this".

This is where extending our networks comes in!

Our Network of Prayer is at the foundation - All the moves of God when what seemed to be impossible became reality started with prayer because nothing happens without Him. Come join us at the Tri-State Christian Family Center on the first Friday of the month @ 6:30 pm to pray and fellowship together. Our time has been so amazing and we have all experienced Jesus' hand on us in a special way!

Our Network(s) of Passion is the expression - Oftentimes, if we look beyond our immediate circles, there are more people who share our God-given passions than we think and an economy of scale by working together! By bringing people together with similar God-given passions we will create natural synergies, ensure continuity so that people don't fall through the cracks, and make exponential progress in representing the Kingdom of God!

Please let me know if you would like to lead or participate in one of these monthly connection groups and we will get you connected!

Please feel free to forward this message to other people from our church communities you think match the passions below!

Recommended Monthly Connection Groups* (1 hour online and/or in-person)

  • Vulnerable child care (orphans/displaced/unborn) - How do we best provide resources to ensure children are cared for in difficult and dangerous situations?

  • Vulnerable elder care (widows) - How do we continue to provide physical help and spiritual encouragement for the elderly?

  • Addiction / Recovery - How do we provide a road to recovery for those facing addictive/harmful behaviors?

  • Poverty / Self Sufficiency - How do we provide a way out of poverty through Christian values and resources?

  • Abuse / Freedom – How do we best help people out of abusive situations into environments of freedom and care

  • Christian Education - how do we provide a Christian worldview in bringing up our youth?

  • Student Ministry - how do we ensure discipleship and outreach for our youth?

  • Government / Advocacy - how do we influence government institutions in a positive way?

  • Outreach campaigns - How do we work together to share Jesus in our region?

*I realize this list may not be comprehensive, so feel free to get back to me if there is a discussion group that needs to be formed that would specifically benefit our region and would work much better by working together!

The Goal - We want the Kingdom of God to be manifest through His presence and our unity so that people can come to know Jesus. We can then be an example to other regions and places sparking the flame of revival! It is my belief that if we can make this work here, it can be done anywhere which is the real power of us working together!

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